Drug Information
Illegal narcotics are a problem all across the United States, also in Saline County. While marijuana is the most commonly abused narcotic, meth might be the most serious threat facing us in recent years. Drug use, especially in children or young adults, is very serious and should be responded to swiftly and decisively.
If you are experiencing an emergency and think that you or someone else might be poisoned, please call 911 immediately. You can also contact the Nebraska Poison Control Center by phone at 1-800-222-1222.
You can help put a stop to drugs. If you have any information about illegal drugs being sold, manufactured, abused, please don’t hesitate to call the Sheriff’s Office or Crime Stoppers. Through Crime Stoppers, tips that lead to arrests can fetch a substantial monetary reward. Call Saline County Sheriff’s Office at 402-821-2111. You can also contact the Sheriff’s Office Drug Investigators by e-mail.
Warning: Buying Rx drugs from “Internet Pharmacies” can be a felony and result in serious fines, time in a Federal Prison or both. Drugs from sources abroad also might not meet the stringent quality and safety regulations of the FDA and might be dangerous for you. While many US pharmacies operate legitimate Internet sites selling drugs via mail-order, these are all regulated by the appropriate government agencies. Buy your Rx drugs from a local reputable pharmacy or a national chain to keep you and your family safe. See the DEA Information on Prescription Drug Abuse for more information.
Nebraska State Patrol
Nebraska Attorney General’s Office
Nebaska Department of Roads – Current Road Conditions
Nebraska Games and Parks Commission
Law Enforcement Training Center
Nebraska Department of Correctional Services
Nebraska Legislature
UNL Extension
Nebraska Sheriff’s Association
Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice – Victim Identification and Notification Everyday (VINE)
Nebraska Farm Bureau
Nebraska Department of Revenue
Nebraska Severe Weather Alerts
Child Advocacy Center
Nebraska State Senators
Nebraska Inmate Locator
U.S Marshals Service
Drug Enforcement Administration
Homeland Security
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
White House
U.S House of Representatives
U.S Senate
U.S Department of State
U.S Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Internal Revenue Service – IRS
National Public Sex Offender Database